SPOILER WARNING!   ..........   Spoilers - Fatal Revenant
Jon Myers:  No question here, just a possible insight regarding the origin of the Forestals. I have always thought it was clear that they were the Unfettered version of "tree-sitters". Their focus is similar to the Unfettered One's devotion to stone in TPTP (or Anele's in ROTE). These are people who have devoted themselves to the lore and life of the forest, and who have merged with the spirit of the One Forest. It also seems to me that this concept of the Unfettered predates Berek, as Caerriol Wildwood does, and this lends credence to the acceptance of the occurrence of a mysterious Unfettered Healer (Linden) in Berek's camp. I have always felt that Berek had sought out such persons and drawn much of his lore from them. Perhaps the first Council of Lords was comprised of such individuals? Anyway, the theory is that Berek thought that the Theomach was an Unfettered One, like the Forestals.
Interesting idea. But you can't possibly expect me to comment on it. Anything that I might say--or not say--would be a spoiler of one kind or another.
